søndag 30. august 2009


Back in Hotel Norge after a weekend of Händel in Lillesand with Lars Audun and some other players. Nata is here this week, and when she came to the hotel we went out for a little something. She and Siv, another sub., wanted some real food, but I went for the dessert!
Kick's brownie (actually, it was ordinary chocolate cake, not brownie) was yummie <3

fredag 28. august 2009


The busdriver (I'm on a bus for train, so...) took my cello down from the upper shelf by him self. It was, apparently, dangerous. So this is how he put it. Idiot!


I was skimming through the news on net, and found this note:


This little butterfly was labeled extinct, something which made me very sad. Then you have all the other tragedies, like the run-away-bees (I've seen several yesterday, so I'm glad they're still around here up north), the wild orchids (someone deliberately murdered them!) and all the other poor creatures that suffer from our stupidity. This story made me smile - I'm sure nature will take it's revenge one day.

onsdag 26. august 2009

Puzzle progress

While I'm practising and Robi is at work, his mum is trying to put some of my puzzle together. This is our status so far. It's kind of possible to see the outline, isn't it?

tirsdag 25. august 2009


This autumn I'll join my "roots" (if those are with the gypsies, as certain sources tells me) and be a nomade. Well, not completely, but I'll be travelling back and forth between Stavanger and Kristiansand a lot. And I have done one of my 11 weeks in a hotel so far, and what is more necessary then than some music you can listen to?
I asked for a Spotify invitation (you need one if you don't want to pay for a month...) and got one from Egil. And that was a salvation! Now, for the first time since - hm, ever, that I feel like a music nerd. Really.
So now I'm reading my music online and listening to it at the same time. I feel a bit sorry for my local library, but then again I hear a lot more!


tirsdag 18. august 2009

Guess what!

At hotel Ernst, where Peder also lives this week, they have something quite interesting. Chewable omega 3 capsules. They tempt up with "fresh taste" and that they're in vegetable gelatin. Yeah, right. I'm sure it's some kind of tourist gimmic. When you try, you chew it and then you burp horrible codliveroil-taste for a week. Gotcha!

onsdag 12. august 2009


This guy took a short rest to smoke under the cactus. What a lovely sight in Havnabakken!

tirsdag 11. august 2009

Family dinner

Since Helene came home from Japan, her schedule has been packed with reunions. This time it was Lille Sau. She had invited Ann with family and us for dinner. I don't see any of them very often either, so it was a great opportunity for me to meet them all too! Thank you, Lille Sau!

Sunday jam

My old school buddy was playing at Hr.Nilsen last sunday. He's based in USA so I don't see him often. Since Synne was here, I brought her too. It was great! Then I remembered why I went to a lot of jazz concerts during my days at uni..

I found myself

on YouTube!

Place de Brouckere

Wild and Crazy

A lioness on a housewife holiday to the City of Tigers...

lørdag 8. august 2009


Pauline grows them in the garden, and now around sunset they smell intense and delicious!

fredag 7. august 2009


Ingvilds sister got married today, and I was asked to join the quartet. The bride was amazingly beautiful (as expected), the groom handsome, and the priest funny. He was! And we played canon by Pachelbel inside the church and Mozarts "ave verum.." outside. I was suprised by a bottle of wine and a wedding-book.

torsdag 6. august 2009

My baby!

It's here!!!

Look, isn't it just cute?

Now! Take a look at it :)
I've got the red version, of course...


This is amazingly funny :)
But I guess you have to be Norwegian (or an extremely intelligent Swede) to understand it...

"Svensker er virkelig dumme"

onsdag 5. august 2009


And then we met Islam who taught mea how to put on this scarf. Don't I look kind of cute? Wonder if I should turn muslim.. Well, maybe not.


With my incredibly pink sister. Did I say pink?

tirsdag 4. august 2009

2 good friends

Banki and his Japanese substitue has become really good friends. Aren't they just the cutest? Now it's just matter of time before I see their owner again too.. Can't wait!!!

mandag 3. august 2009


Heidi with her tiny little guitar-thingy makes festival feeling on the bus. She's having concert for all of us on this bus, which is me and two others apart from the driver...


I've finally got some time for myself. Eating and reading! It's a luxury I haven't had in the past two weeks. Then it's TimExpressen back home. Phew, what weeks these has been!

Walking in the rain

lørdag 1. august 2009

Special concert

Haydn with a twist. This is how it looks like in the cafe when it's no people but nice music. Especially for Hilde, Alex, me and some more..