søndag 29. november 2009


The people in this house has foreseen the upcoming disasters. Maybe even looking forward to it. Imagine to buy property several kilometres from the sea, but three decades later it's turned into a house by the shore. Then it's very convenient to have a diving board ready!

lørdag 28. november 2009


My Grandmother joined my brother and me for our late breakfast. She is usually quite a talker, and today was no exception. But, she told us something I have never heard about before - her fathers cars.
I knew he had cars at a time when not many families had them - and that he was a hound for gadgets. But, imagine to have a Chevrolet Cabriolet, 5 seats, from 1921 and then a Nash 1930 model (also from the Chevrolet company), in Norway at that time. Or even better: kept until now.

I have always been fascinated by old veteran cars, but to know of these cars kind of make my heart ache.
"star light, star bright..." Where is the blue fairy when I need her??

Nash on wikipedia

At peace

My grandfather took his last breath last Saturday, surrounded by Grandma and their 3 daughters.
May he rest in peace!

The funeral was yesterday, and it was just beautiful. All the flower decorations matched perfectly, all autumn colors, and made the small, intimate chapel warm and inviting. My uncle played "Oblivion" by A.Piazzolla, a wonderfully written piece. I don't think it could have been more perfect.

I love you, Grandpa!

onsdag 18. november 2009


On my way to work this morning I happened to see this bus. Even in Kristiansand we see Modum.

tirsdag 10. november 2009

Delayed birthday

For Anna, and this is the cake. Isn't it just incredibly imaginably decorated?

lørdag 7. november 2009


We managed to play it all without stopping, and since I haven't yet celebrated my job we drank some champagne back stage. Yummie

torsdag 5. november 2009

Hard work...

In the middle of my busy fall, we're doing Pierrot Lunaire. The weather is bad so it doesn't feel so horrible to be inside practicing. Then again, the concert is on saturday. I think it'll be good, but just now it feels a bit ...exciting...