fredag 31. juli 2009


In between rehearsals and concerts I was invited to go to Elisabeths house for food. And the guys were cooking!

mandag 27. juli 2009

Sunset concert 1

Martin plays Bach's 1st suite at Valfjäll.

lørdag 25. juli 2009


Need I say more?


Outdoors concert, cool weather, olives and great company. After a hard day of work, this is heavenly!

fredag 17. juli 2009


Mum and I had a gig together. Our first! A 50th birthday party, outside in their gorgeous garden. We played some easy-listening pieces and happy birthday. (The guests seemed to be a bit puzzled of the idea of live entertainment.) It went pretty well considering our 2 days preparations! Afterwords, I had my date with Alexia. We got tickets to a movie called Menn som hater kvinner. Swedish with Norwegian subs. It was quite heavy to digest, so we were emotionally unstable already before the big good-bye. This was our last meeting before she goes back to Brasil. Needless to say, our tears flowed freely down our cheeks at Majorstua subway station.

torsdag 16. juli 2009


I've made some asian-inspired HOT food. And we're eating outside. Mum and I've practiced for a gig tomorrow, and Eivind has been gardening. Otherwise my brain is occupied with preparations for Koster festival and which pc to buy and where to get it..

onsdag 15. juli 2009


Am I getting girly? Pink glasses, purple toe-nails and now I'm considering to buy a pink (or white) MSI U100.

Today was Nata's day. She had to cut her summer vacation in Poland short to get back here and find a new place to stay. Gosh, I don't envy her the job to find something now (with the competition from all the students...). Hopefully she'll get something really fast!!! And good.
After a walk in the city with her, I invited her home for dinner. We bought some "uer"

which we prepared in the oven. It was really good! (despite it's look...)
Ooo, I felt childish to play with it a bit when it was still uncooked. But it was so much fun! You know, having a muppetshow of my own.

And now, in search of a ultra light but good pc to carry around when I'm subbing (or going somewhere)

Location: Mums livingroom
Mood: tired!
Listening to: Mendelssohn octet

btw, the black version is out of stock...

lørdag 11. juli 2009

Step 2

It has now come to step 2. Painting the first layer, and I'm not there to help Robi. Sorry! But it looks nice!!

Saturday walk

It's been a while since Mum, Eivind and I went for a saturday walk. Today we went from Skytterkollen to Brunkollen. It was great - not too warm, but not cold. And we were almost alone in the forest. The weather was changing a lot, so I guess the other ones didn't want to get wet...
Up at Brunkollen they had closed for the day, but the summer subs were enjoying their afterwork with a glass of wine. And the dogs were dozing in the sun. The cat, a fat, old black one, were SO cozy. It came for cuddles, and its paws were walking in the air all the time. And purring.

Otherwise, my days are filled with food, rest and friends. Wednesday, after coming to Oslo again after weeks of Stavanger summer, I spent the evening at Amandas (at last!) - we had a great talk!!
Grandma has finally got to some adventure; up to the cabin with Astrid, and friday I was looking at a car for Robi and me.
A blue Citroen Xsara Picasso. Quite a catch, at least in my eyes. Now we're just waiting for the contract to be sent to Robi, and then we'll be car-owners again. Iiiii!

Location: Mums livingroom
Mood: ok, but not too happy with all the change in the weather. And I could do with my boyfriend around too
Listening to: Mums knitting

onsdag 8. juli 2009

In mourning

I think someone has relieved me of my precious chinese tea. It was, presumably, in my luggage when I went from Oslo to Stavanger, but not there when I opened it at home. As I am known to forget things here and there, I didn't do anything about it because I thought it would be in my room at Mammas place. Now, back in Oslo, I don't see the brown box anywhere. I called Pauline, but she didn't find it either.
Then I finally called the airport and the company I flew with, and it all became even more mysterious.


and it came from Maison des Trois Thés too. *snufs*

(the page is not yet there, but I hope it will come online soon!)

tirsdag 7. juli 2009


Monday I had promised myself to do some painting on the house. But the weather put a stop to my plan. It was like Thor had gone nutters. Even the house was shaking at times. I put out all the electronics and liv candles, made some popcorn (fast cooking) and had my brain occupied with The Otori stories and my puzzle.


Sunday night we invited Liv for dinner. Kind of thank-you for lending me her cello, and taking good care of me. She brought this beautiful bouquet with flowers from her garden and a box of After Eight. A perfect evening!

lørdag 4. juli 2009

Step 1

Washing off old paint with high pressure. A mans job!

fredag 3. juli 2009

Hundvåg ink

Robi has got some bruises after the Chinese treatment yesterday, so I took the advantage of it to make a "tattoo". Longevity!

torsdag 2. juli 2009

Beach day

At 13 Liv picked me up in the centre. I'd bought some biscuits, licorice and strawberries and in my bag was both games, books and a frizbee. I was armed to my teeth for this beach trip. We went to one of the many beaches around here, and it was gorgeous! Didn't take any good pics of it, so here is my dinner... Thank you, freezer, for storing food for me!

onsdag 1. juli 2009

Being social

After several days of solitude, I have a day out with Cissi. We're drinking coffee and shopping a bit. And look at my new sunglasses! Haha, new style.