Today was Nata's day. She had to cut her summer vacation in Poland short to get back here and find a new place to stay. Gosh, I don't envy her the job to find something now (with the competition from all the students...). Hopefully she'll get something really fast!!! And good.
After a walk in the city with her, I invited her home for dinner. We bought some "uer"

which we prepared in the oven. It was really good! (despite it's look...)
Ooo, I felt childish to play with it a bit when it was still uncooked. But it was so much fun! You know, having a muppetshow of my own.
And now, in search of a ultra light but good pc to carry around when I'm subbing (or going somewhere)
Location: Mums livingroom
Mood: tired!
Listening to: Mendelssohn octet
btw, the black version is out of stock...
1 kommentar:
Hahahaaa! This is why I love you so much. (Partly!) My 29 year old sister playing muppet shows with her...uh... uncooked uer! XD When I grow up I want to be like that. Oh, wait... did I say grow up? I think we never will. ;D <3 (I mean, some of us still "jump" to avoid certain telephone poles...) XD
No, but seriously... an uer is just too perfect! It's red, has a big mouth and goggle-eyed cuteness! I feel you! ^^
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