And this one was spent in Kristiansand. The program this week was quite nice!
Stravinsky's Pulcinella suite
Beethoven Violin Serenade (F major)
Mendelssohn "Scottish symphony"
And my home was Hotel Norge. Not as fancy hall as they have in Hotel Ernst, but the breakfast is great. Their bread is amazing - and now I've figured out how to get my soy milk too, so I can have my daily müsli.
The concert was, as usually, at Thursday - 19.30, in the Church. Since it was the season opening concert, there was expected to be quite a lot of people. Unfortunately, the weather was making some trouble, and there were several other concerts going on at the same time so the number of people in the audience was rather low. I had fun anyway!
-and afterwards we were invited for soup in one of the new restaurants in town.
Both Friday and today, I had rehearsals with a new ensemble: Ensemble Suo Nordico. We're going to have a concert in Kristiansand on the 7th of November. Very ambitious program with some new pieces by Swedish composers mixed with some more central works in the genre: Schönbergs: Pierrot Lunaire. I'm in for a real challenge!!
The group is a great mix of everything from older, more established players to young ones, still studying. They are all enthusiastic about the group, and very sweet people. I'm looking forward to know the pieces and play together with them. I'm sure it'll be both fun and good music!
While we have these rehearsals I'm living in Lars Auduns flat. He is not at home, so I feel a bit like a house occupant... haha
Location: Lars Auduns flat
Mood: Tired, lots of thoughts
Eating: Banana
Listening to: Wagner on Spotify