I was supposed to be there around 13-14 for sound check and maybe some go-through of the music. I turned up around 13.30 and found no-one from the band. I found a stressed sound engineer, and a very smiling car rental guy. What to do? My sweet Rob was there to calm me down in the middle of all the confusion; *Thank you!!!*
I ended up calling mum to get hold of some phone numbers (lost all of them when I had my little phone-in-the-toilet-incident.) and tried to call Hector. He was, of course, too busy to even notice my calls and frantic sms... After a while I met the incredibly happy bass player and the violinist, so it all came down to be quite calm. (phew)
I got a short sound check and no go-through...
The festival starts with a parade that goes through the whole city, and ends up 1 hour later in the park. There everybody can relax, buy something to eat and/or drink and look at the band and the dancers. (Pretty tired after 1 hour parade-dancing.) The whole thing was pretty chaotic, but still very nice!
Sorry Nee-chan. I didn't dare to bring Banki even Robi would have held him the whole time. But he's got a full resume!