fredag 22. august 2008

The First One!

Sitting in Hotel Caledonien in Kristiansand and writing my first blogentry ever. And I feel quite nervous! I feel more nervous about this than the "sing-along"-concert we're going to do in the Cathedral here 19.30. Psalms with full orchestra, (well, it's a small one, but still), organ and hopefully the whole audience.

I have spent my few last days here with Lene (hornplayer). She is the second reason why I have started to blogg... (she is Frøken Aadalen in person) We have practiced, had lunches, visited sweet cafés (our favorite is a cuban one. There she eventually had her first real coffee! I'm wicked!!), gone shopping (she's quite wicked too. Especially when it comes to shoes...) listened to concerts - from DJ's to baroque. In other words, enjoyed ourselves.

An absolutely lovely pair of shoes I never thought I'd buy.

We played a concert on wednesday too. "The Paradise and The Peri" by Schumann. And there was a convention afterwards with "finger-foods" ,wine and speeches. We had opened the the international church music festival.. ( I got the conductors flower! It has been a great detail in my hotel room!! Thank you :)

3 kommentarer:

Marte sa...

Hei min søte, kjære kusine.

Først : jøss, så koselig at du fant meg! hvordan??

2: Hurra for blogg, jeg har også skjønt poenget, og det er faktisk veldig deilig å "dele" litt fra hverdagen med...hvem som helst :P

For det tredje: Jeg og gleder meg veldig til du skal spille, kommer til å bli fantastisk! :) Er det en som heter Mendelson? haha, tydelig at jeg ikke er den musikalske i vår familie.. Poenget er iallefall at jeg vet om en som er veldig fin, men litt standard kanskje? Vet du hvem jeg snakker om?

Suss og klem fra meg:)

Marte sa...

nummer 4: FANTASTISKE sko! De blir fine i bryllup ;)

fru Aadalen sa...

Åh! Gratulerer med blogg!! Mer blogg til folket! Savner deg her nede!