torsdag 5. mars 2009

The shoes

Ingvild, here are my shoes! My stupid phone (I know a phone can't actually be stupid, but it has been acting rather weird lately) wouldn't let the computer find it in the picture-index. So, I ended up sending it through mobile blogging.
(I bought the shoes in "Printemps" - the huge shopping center in Paris, some weeks ago. A whole floor only dedicated to great shoes! It was a combined heaven and hell - lots of fantastic shoes, with very high prices.)

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ååååhh - dreggel

fru Aadalen sa...

De er så fine!!!! :)

Ingvild sa...

Aiai, min teite jobb-PC vil ikke vise bildet! Trenger annen PC. Gleder meg til å se :)

Anonym sa...

Hvordan klarer du å gå på så tynne heler lurer nå jeg på.

Tonje sa...

Ikke noe problem når de er så godt balansert!
Dessuten har jeg primært tenkt å ha dem som konsertsko :)