søndag 24. august 2008

The two I miss!

My sister went to Japan.
I really admire her for actually going there! (Dad says he's not too happy about it, but I bet he actually feels very proud!) We can all follow her journey through her blog, and I feel I'm part of it even though I'm not there.
Helene, now you can see what I do too!
She has a little friend that she cares for more than any of us can ever understand. Banki. She is so anxious about him that she made me promise to babysit him - and give him a lot of cuddles. He has already found my little Bass, and they are having an afternoon snack - apples and sugar peas from our garden :)

Aren't they adorable?

Anyway, Nee-chan is off and I'll long for more pictures like these:

And the other one I miss is Robert. He's still in Slovakia but will drive home (!) during the week. I'll have him here for only a short time I'm afraid, because he'll go back to Stavanger and his old job. Changing jobs every 1/2 year is not very stabilizing... I'm really glad we had a great and long summer together (although separated a few weeks because of Ingvilds wedding and me going to Dads cabin while Rob had his apartment-project.)

In Spain, the two of us..

And don't forget to phone home!!!
Love you

3 kommentarer:

Helene sa...

Du er så søt, Nuffebuff! I LOVE YOU LOTS! <3 Nee-chan ga daisuki! <3 :-x

Nidvegvesenet sa...

Helene, jeg sporer opp familien din. :D Ingen på de syv blogghav skal kunne føle seg trygg!

One down, two(?) to go.

Nidvegvesenet sa...

Tre hvis jeg inkluderer Banki.