Since it was such a snowy morning, Mum prepared my skies with glider and wax while I made breakfast. (I don't dare to use a hairdryer on my new skies...) After breakfast (or lunch) Mum and I took the car to Solli Gård, and walked down to "Myggheim" (Mosquito home). We had spent only 15 min. until then so we decided to go down to Sandungen (a lake). I couldn't see anything downhill because of all the snow getting in my eyes, but it was such a nice experience anyway. My feet were warm!!!
The wind were so strong down at the lake that we turned immideatly. Back at Myggheim we bought a cup of hot cordial (solbærtoddy) and 4 doughnuts (because the guys in the cottage didn't have any change). Mmmm!
Mum in the track
We left the carpark around 3.30 and headed back home for shower, soup and 1 performance of "Lightfoot".
The whole thing (for us stringplayers) lasts for about 2 hours (for percussion and brass even shorter. Lucky dad!), so when I write this I've already done the dishes and eaten the rest of the soup.
I'm sure the performance was great, the audience were laughing, gasping, clapping and in general of really good spirit. I felt great too, possibly because of the little exercise earlier on.
The best thing, though, is that I really enjoyed it - despite the weather and the unpredictable waxing conditions (lots of people had trouble). My feet were warm and I had control of the skies - and I could brake down easily. Dad, I'm ready for you!
Location: Mums sofa
Drinkin: Rosehip tea
Eating: The "matpakke" from the walk (which we didn't eat)
Mood: Happy, but my thoughts are nagging me a bit with "go and practise!!"
1 kommentar:
Just letting you know I keep reading your blog allthough I haven't commented a lot lately. Love you! *
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