It's all white here too!!!
The orchestra is going to Paris on wednesday, and we're going to play Django Reinhardt music in a circus. A circus! I hope it'll be warm...
At the moment we're still waiting for the tickets (we're NOT flying charter).
Todays rehearsal was short, and I still had a lot of energy left afterwards, so I practiced a lot. I was held company by the three rubber brothers.
I had to walk home in the snow. Popped by a Chinese fastfood store, and now I'm enjoying my tea together with Lene :)
Ah, Forgot...
Saturday Heloisa and I played the house concert at Hans' place. It was great fun! Lots of elderly people, and some younger ones. They all live in the neighborhood. Does this say anything about our area?..
Heloisa and her dog, Claudianis
Anyways, it was around 35 people in the livingroom, all sitting and eating by tables Edel had to cough up from somewhere. I wished grandma to be there, she'd have enjoyed it tremendously. But she got ill from all the work with shoveling snow. Mum was playing operette at the opera. Well, they didn't show up, but I did help with the dishes afterwards.
The mysterious coffee guy. At least, whith him we (Lene and I) were followed by the paparazzis. Or... well, don't ask
Location: Kristiansand, Hotel Norge
Eating: Fried nudles
Drinking: Green tea (coldish)
Mood: oki
Listening to: NRK1
Aaargh! There is a storm coming to France now, so the airports are closed. I hope everything is working as usually when we're going there Wednesday morning (actually 5.15. Zzzz)
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