This is our house, the one with open door! I'm so happy :) Some more pictures comes up when I get the cable for my phone and don't have to send them via the phone...
I came yesterday, after a loooong day on the train. Funny enough - a fellow cellist, Silje, was sitting two - 2 - seats in front of me. Equally bored. And we didn't find each other until Sandnes..
Anyway, it was so good to see Robi again! And he has really done a good job with the interior, even though he has spared a lot of the work until I came so we could do some together. (I.e placing things in the cupboards, decorating the walls, curtains in the bedroom, shelves and so on.)
Ingvild, the Super Woman plates I got from you are fantastic!! (btw, can't log in on your site anymore... *snufs*)
Location: My own house!
Drinking: Caffe Latte, made at home
Eating: Bread with cheese and apple (Mammas speciality), another with smoked salmon
Feeling: Great, and at home
Listening to: the silence
4 kommentarer:
Yes you can...? I think all you need to do is log on with your Google account (the same pswd. as your Gmail).
However one might add that my blog is probably the most inaccessable blog on the web.
AAH!! Jeg må besøke deg! Må!
...så kan jeg kicke Robi ut av dobbeltsenga (muehehe!) og stjele hans halvdel. Også kan jeg sove urolig og være en pain in the butt hele natta igjennom etter at vi har spilt SuperMario 64 DS utti de små timer! XD
Love you :*
Morsomt å se bilde av huset deres, og at du trives så bra der. Jeg venter på flere bilder fra andre vinkler. Er gjesterommet klart snart, kanskje? :o)
Ingvild, det funker ikke!!
Pliiiis send en invitasjon til :X
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