I managed to get Rob with us, even though he didn't actually want to go out. The weather was not really good (it was cloudy with some showers now and then) so I don't blame him. I think he was happy afterwords when he saw that we were going to walk on asphalt (not very Norwegian, but..) and that we intended to go to a place with incredibly nice cakes! Gupu. They're known for having a delicious chocolate cake - and it is very yummi! Still, I prefer the carrot cake, I think.
On our way back down to the car, we found lots, and lots of mushrooms. We didn't have any basket to put them in, so mum's hood had to do. And look at all we found!
Two very happy mushroom-lovers!
Rob made us a fantastic dinner of beef with mushroom sauce and baked potatoes. We had picked up Alexia just after mum left for work, so she had a plate too. ("I'm not especially hungry" she said, but ate a huge portion nevertheless.)
And since we had the house to our selves, we got a film (bought a film for 45,- instead of renting it for 55,- Good deal, don't you think?) and snack, put some wood in the oven and made the living room really cozy. Even Banki joined us! He misses Helene so much that we thought Sweeney Todd would be a good choice. Two of her favorite actors, and Tim Burton - it had to be a success. And it was! Just see how happy he was to get chocolate bananas and see a Helene-movie:
...but I think it'll take a while before I eat meat pies again.
Location: The Kitchen
Drinking: Jasmine Tea
Listening to: Robs computer who tells him "no, I won't do that"
Mood: content, glad I'm indoors! (The weather is very autumny)
4 kommentarer:
Hei, Tonje! Så fin blogg du har fått deg. Tilbake i Oslo? Hva holder du på med for tida, da?
Takk! Så hyggelig at du var innom her :)
Er i Oslo og frilanser, ja. Sitter i operaen og lirer Don Carlos. Kjempemoro!
Finally a picture of Rob that shows more than half his head! Good lookin´ bloke! Reminds me a bit of you ;) "han har eit behagelegt ansikt å sjå te" HAHAHAHA
Ååå, dere så Sweeney Todd! Og Banki spiser sjokoladebananer! XD <3
Jeg visste det var et klokt valg å la han bo med deg mens jeg er borte. Se på de store, skinnende, brune øynene - han koser seg!
Savner Nuffen min! Og litt kaldere høstvær... vi har begynt med øvelser til gymdagen vår, i stekende sol ute på en plass der de spiller baseball. Dvs. ingen skygge untatt under teltet de har satt opp. Oh!
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