The house was still full of people though, because Eivind was home for the weekend after a schooltrip to Paris. And then, of course, we ended up going for a walk. We decided to walk around Semsvannet.
It turned out to be very exiting, just look at these ones:
(the first one is mainly for Robi, but also for Helene in case she gets too homesick)
4 kommentarer:
Be not as far as I'm and we could have a nice Asian dinner:)
ZOMG! Cows! And the sound of their bells! ...will I go to hell if I say it made me think of milk chocolate? "Et lite stykke Norge". Ehehee...
Well, it also made me think of cows. Cute cows. With wise eyes. I don't care what other people say. Cows are warm, cute and lovely to hug! And they have warm, wise eyes. I love cows... (animals in general, really.)
Huggorm! Huggorm! Did it try to look as big as it possibly could and go "hisssss!" to scare you off? The little one we met in the forrest once did. I though it was kind of cute, since it was quite small. :)
Love you!
Gjør deg klar til å bøye deg i støvet. Forklaring på gressenke følger :)
Jeg har alltid trodd utrykket opprinnelig var en variant av fotballenke (siden fotball spilles på gress liksom), men det tok jeg sannelig skammelig feil. Forført i gresset og så forlatt.. Hadde aldri gjettet at det var det.
klem :)
Takker for linken!! Enn det, at det skulle være slik det hang sammen. Jaja, det føles jo nesten sånn uansett...
Klem tilbake!
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