(Robs car didn't leak any oil, by the way. We had an adventurous trip around Bærum to find a garage that could look at it. After a looooong time they told us they had a big problem with the car; they couldn't find any leakage anywhere. Hooray!)
We ran through the grocery store to buy some food, ran home to pack some clothes and then headed off for the cabin. We got directions from Mum and key from Grandma, so it couldn't go wrong.
I have not been at the cabin since I was maybe 15, and I know my aunt have made some changes - i.e made a road all the way up to the cabin. We found the new road (this is, mind you, in the middle of the forest, far away from anywhere...) and took all our stuff out of the car and walked up towards the cabin. The road was pretty wide, flat and free from grass. I was quite disappointed, because I remember the path as a narrow, little path full of ants. I was even more surprised when we found a barrack next to the road too, and then Rob saw the cabin. Or more precisely, he saw the three houses there. We had taken the wrong road!
We turned back to the car, drove some 50 meters back and found another road. I was so relieved when I saw the "road" (it was more or less a path which you can drive on), found the cabin and unlocked the door. (Didn't have any problems with it, even though Grandma told me it was ok to bang it a bit..) It was still the cabin I remembered! They'll expand the cabin with one more room, but that's on the back so I'm ok with it.
Anyway, we put our stuff in the cabin, got the fireplace started and then headed off to get some water. There is a well between the main road and the cabin, but in the darkness it was a little problematic to see the little track. To make a long story short - we had a great adventure! And we found lots and lots of mushrooms :)
Back home, with several litres of water, we thought a slice of bread would be nice. Well, we had both kaviar and liverpate in tubes, but no bread. We had forgot bread!! I found some flour, salt, sugar, cumin and baking soda (no yeast) in the cupboard so we made some bread for breakfast. A little hard, but still tasty.
In the morning (after making bread) we got out to pick up mushrooms. We found a lot of them, mostly too old and moshy ones, but also a lot of good ones. We also found tyttebær! (lingonberries, if you think in Swenglish) After that, a gourmet dinner of duck (made completely without any oil or butter, we'd forgot that too) with potatoes and fresh tyttebær-jam, outdoor, tasted incredibly yummie!
Our two days at the cabin were so refreshing! We had great walks in the forest, I practised and we had more than enough food (we even brought back the ingredients for tomatoe sauce. We thought of having it to the pasta that we forgot to buy...). I can recommend bacon and potatoes in the fire! (Put the potatoes, with skin, in the glowing coals and leave them there until they're done.)
Rob's making bread
A random Tonje-peeking-into-the-cabin-picture
The well, or "olle" as Mum say.
The view from the toilet!
My practice-room
Our drying-mushroom-carpet!
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