torsdag 18. september 2008

New favorite bakery! ...and seeing friends from Stavanger

I've found my favorite bakery in Oslo! (I think)
United Bakeries, located at Karl Johan. I just love their bread, and the muffins are yummi :)

The same day we met up with a very tired couple from Stavanger. (Well, they are not exactly from Stavanger, more American I'd say, but for me, I connect them with SSO!) They had taken the night train, but since they tried the chairs instead of getting a bed, they were exhausted from the journey. We met them at Aker Brygge (Audun was very immobile, and it was short way to their ferry) for a nice cup of tea. I recognised that I miss them a lot!

Naho and James, fresh from the train... Vivian and Audun

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